In this section, explore how essential oils can transform your relaxation routine and improve your quality of life. Discover how they can be used to promote relaxation with soothing blends for diffusion or massage. Learn how to create revitalizing baths by adding a few drops of essential oils for a relaxing effect. Find natural solutions to improve your sleep with oils such as lavender, and relieve a variety of common ailments, from stress to muscle aches and pains, using suitable oils. We guide you in the integration of these treasures of nature for optimal daily well-being.

Nouvel An Chinois 2025 : Huiles Essentielles du Serpent de Bois

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Huiles & Sens

Massages with essential oils

Essential oil massages, a practice dating back to ancient times, fuse the benefits of massage techniques with the therapeutic properties of essential oils. Depending on the oils chosen, these massages can deliver a multitude of beneficial effects: relaxation, toning, pain relief or even stimulation of the senses. In this article, we invite you to discover a selection of essential oil blends suited to various purposes, accompanied by massage techniques illustrated by video sequences produced in collaboration with a physiotherapist. Whether you're looking for a moment of relaxation, revitalizing energy or a sensual experience, here's how to make the most of the virtues of essential oils during your massage sessions

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The benefits of birch sap

Birch sap is also known as "birch water", in reference to its clear, translucent color. It is generally used as a spring cure to relieve the body, restore energy at the end of winter, support weight loss and give energy to people recovering from illness.

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How to relieve back pain

Back pain affects many people. Whether frequent or occasional, linked to poor movement or skeletal deformity, it can be relieved with essential oils.

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How not to snore?

Snoring affects an average of one adult in four. It affects the peace of mind and quality of sleep of those around them. But it can also be the result of a deeper problem, concealing a case of sleep apnea.

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How to cleanse the liver?

The liver and its partner organ, the gallbladder, are particularly affected by a rich diet and poor lifestyle habits (lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle, lack of oxygenation).

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How to stop bedwetting?

Bladder control during the night is a learning process that takes time. A child who is able to control his or her bladder throughout the day may continue to wet the bed while sleeping.

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How do you sleep with a stiff neck?

A contracture of the trapezius and SCOM (sternocleido-occipito-mastoid) muscles is known as benign torticollis (tortum collum). The main symptoms felt by the patient are a more or less violent pain in the neck and a lack of head mobility. The contractures in the neck muscles are such that the slightest movement of the head awakens the pain.

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How do I stop hiccups?

We've all experienced this harmless but annoying phenomenon, which can sometimes turn into pain if it takes a long time to stop: hiccups. While drinking water is the best-known and most widely used method of getting rid of them, there are other, more effective solutions. So, how do you stop hiccups?

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Les bienfaits du massage des seins

For many women, menstruation is an inconvenience, especially when it comes unexpectedly and at an inconvenient time. A honeymoon, an impromptu trip or a long-awaited holiday, amenorrhea, a special evening, an exam or severe premenstrual syndrome... these are just some of the reasons why a woman may trigger her period.

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Heatwave: how to keep cool?

Don't forget essential oils, hydrosols and diffusers in your anti-heat arsenal, which can be a great help in cooling you down.

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Huiles essentielles pour le sport

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