- Essential oils and well-being
What is stress?
Stress is a state of physical and/or psychological imbalance that can manifest itself in many different ways. It is triggered by physical, mental, social or emotional factors.
Positive stress is stimulating and motivating, making us feel good and boosting our energy. But more and more of us are exposed to chronic stress, which is harmful to our bodies.
How can we alleviate stress?
Stress triggers are perceived differently from one individual to another. Faced with the same situation, each person feels stress according to his or her own sensitivity. There are no precise, established causes of stress, but at certain times of life or in certain psychological states, we may be more prone to developing discomfort. The reactions to persistent stress are numerous: sleep or memory disorders, anxiety, fatigue, concentration difficulties, pain, physical and psychological exhaustion such as depression, anxiety... All these factors can also weaken our immune system.
Essential oils can help us to manage stress-related emotions and sensations more effectively.
Combined with lifestyle rules (see below), they are perfect allies for regaining positive energy and helping the body to regain balance. By acting on our central nervous system, they increase our sense of well-being and serenity.
How to use anti-stress essential oils
- Local massage for adults: 5 drops of essential oil for 5 ml of vegetable oil.
- Adult body massage: 5 drops of essential oil for 10 ml of vegetable oil.
- Body or foot bath: 10 to 20 drops diluted in a carrier (neutral liquid soap, Epsom salt, Solub HE, etc.)
- Diffusion: pour essential oils into your diffuser and diffuse before bedtime or at any time of day when you need to rebalance.
See also our page --> All about essential oils
Take care of yourself!
Apply a few basic rules to help minimize feelings of stress or anxiety in your daily life.
- Listen to yourself, pay attention to your feelings, emotions and reactions.
- Give yourself permission to express your feelings to someone you trust, through writing, physical activity or other means. Keep in regular contact with those closest to you. Tell them how you're feeling and share your concerns.
- Engage in physical activity to relieve stress and tension (yoga, walking, sophrology, cardiac coherence, meditation...)Connect with nature as often as possible.
- Adopt healthy lifestyle habits such as a balanced, non-industrial diet and sufficient sleep; get up and go to bed at regular times every day.
- Take care of your personal hygiene.
- Eat healthy, regular meals.
- Exercise regularly. Three to four minutes of light physical activity, such as walking or stretching, can be beneficial.
- Breathe deeply: inhale through the nose, then exhale slowly. Slow breathing is one of the best ways to reduce stress, as it tells your brain to relax your body.
- Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Instead of trying to respond or cope with them, write them down and let them go.
- Schedule time to work and time to rest.
- Devote time to the things you enjoy doing, and give yourself small pleasures
- Get away from screens regularly.
- Don't use alcohol or drugs to combat fear, anxiety, boredom or isolation.
- Limit the factors that cause you stress (you can also read our article on detox)
- Stay in touch with people who make you feel good, and protect yourself from toxic (negative) people.
- Don't be too demanding on yourself in difficult times. Accept that your productivity is different from one day to the next.
- Avoid reading, watching or listening to information that makes you anxious or distressed. Consult reliable, up-to-date sources of information at specific times of the day.
- Helping others can be good for you. If you can, offer your help to members of your community who need it.
- Remember the winning strategies you've used in the past to get through difficult times.
- Build on your personal strengths.
- Set your limits (for example, refuse a task you don't want to do and that isn't essential).
- Learn to delegate and to ask for and accept help from others.
Anti-anxiety roll-ons
Morning blend:
10 ml St. John's Wort macerate
1 drop Rose EO
3 drops Petitgrain EO
3 drops Ylang Ylang EO
3 drops Palmarosa EO
Evening blend:
10 ml St John's Wort macerate
2 drops Neroli EO
5 drops Marjoram EO
3 drops Ylang Ylang EO
Apply the mixture to the wrists and solar plexus and inhale the aromas deeply. You can also perform cardiac coherence exercises.
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