- Essential oils and well-being
The energetic approach is complementary to "classic" aromatherapy, which analyzes the effects of essential oils that can be observed in matter. It deals with the vibratory richness of plant essences and their energetic properties, opening up a new path to well-being and personal harmony. A new discipline, energetic or holistic aromatherapy is finding new enthusiasts every day. On our website, you'll also find a book on the subject by Swiss aromatherapist Lydia Bosson, which bridges the gap between the soul of plants and the age-old principles of Ayurveda.
Chakras: what you need to know
Chakras are Sanskrit for "wheels", and for Hindus, they are the nerve centers of our energy system. According to some ancient texts, each of us possesses 88,000 of them, but there are 7 major ones, distributed from the bottom of the spine to the top of the skull. No medical procedure can reveal the chakras: they belong to our "subtle bodies" and help distribute vital energy to all our organs. Unfortunately, the free circulation of energy can be impeded. Poor lifestyle habits, unhappiness and unresolved problems can block or close the chakras, causing energy stagnation and imbalance. This, in turn, leads to illness, which can only be cured or prevented by balancing and opening the chakras. Massage, breathing exercises, yoga, meditation - there are many techniques for reharmonizing the chakras. Essential oils, massaged or rubbed on the meridians, can also help to circulate energy correctly.
Open your chakras with essential oils
Essential oils are the essence of plants, their soul, their life concentrate. Like all natural substances, they contain vibrations, perceptible in one way or another, which can enter into unison with the vibrations of the human subtle bodies, restoring balance. Choosing an essential oil to work with is not always easy. Each chakra is associated with a certain number of essential oils, according to their olfactory qualities, of course, but also in relation to their coloration, which we can often perceive intuitively. When using essential oils, you may already have noticed this coloration, the luminous spectrum of each oil: after use on the skin or by inhalation, if you relax well and close your eyes, a color may appear - from red-brown to yellow-green. The color indicates correspondences with one of the 7 chakras, the problems the essential oil can treat and where to apply it for maximum effect. Let's take the example of Dill essential oil, which corresponds to the sixth indigo chakra, the third eye chakra, linked to your deepest identity. As a consciousness modifier, it opens up the frontal center, helping you to soothe torments, combat depression and simplify things. You'll find more information on each chakra and the corresponding oils in the appropriate sections.
Essential oils help to rebalance and harmonize your chakras. By massaging or rubbing them into the meridians, they help to free and fluidify energies.
The first chakra is called Mulhadara, meaning "root". Its location is linked to this etymology: it is located at the perineum, i.e. at the bottom of the spine.
The red chakra, the first of the 7 that make up Hindu tantrism, is essential because it is deeply linked to the earth, which constitutes its central element. It is from this true source of vital energy that the body draws the energy and strength that contribute to our well-being.
But the first chakra is above all linked to the sense of smell, hence the importance of essential oils that fully correspond to it in order to open it up optimally. So which essential oils should you choose to balance and open the first chakra? How can paying particular attention to the red chakra help you to fully experience the virtues of these natural elixirs?
Chakras and essential oils
While the first chakra is the center of the body, it also concentrates sexual and procreative energy, and therefore has a direct impact on your well-being. Directly linked to bones and muscles, it impacts the overall health of your body. Your body is deeply dependent on it: strength, well-being, serenity and stability fluctuate according to the state of the root chakra.
Balanced, it offers not only physical well-being, but also and above all psychological and neurological effects: it promotes self-confidence, self-fulfilment and therefore success. Unbalanced, on the other hand, the root chakra can create physical and mental dysfunctions such as feelings of insecurity, doubt, lack of concentration and lack of interest in life. But an overdeveloped root chakra can also cause problems, encouraging excesses such as addiction, hyperactivity, anger or permanent violence...
So, what are the characteristics of the first red chakra and which essential oils should you use to balance it?
Which essential oils are best for the red chakra?
Essential oils are certainly characterized by their fragrance, but they are also linked to colors. The vibration and hue of these natural elixirs correspond to their effects on your body and mind. Each oil has its own specific uses, and these in turn are linked to specific areas of the body where you can apply them to benefit fully from their effects. These different areas are divided into chakras, to which certain essential oils correspond. Once applied, these oils can be "seen": with the body massaged and relaxed, the eyelids closed and the face serene, you can feel the coloration of the oil, from yellow-green to red-brown.
Because of its importance in the body's functioning, it's vital to balance your first chakra with the most suitable essential oils. The first chakra is linked to the color red, so essential oils such as Atlas Cedar, Patchouli and Jatamansi are mostly warm, earthy and woody. Myrrh, spikenard, vetiver and clove essential oils are also highly recommended for the first red chakra, as they are renowned for their earthy, long-lasting qualities. Their virtues are both physical and spiritual. Bay St Thomas oil has a calming and positive effect, while cinnamon combats sexual fatigue and sea fennel invigorates breathing. Finally, tea tree helps purify the organism and revitalize the body thanks to its disinfectant properties.
These essential oils are central to the balance of the first red chakra. A happy combination will enable you to maintain physical and spiritual well-being: thanks to the virtuous combination of essential oils, open up your root chakra to happiness.
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