Effervescent Citrus Bath Pebbles

Home Cosmetics Recipe Card

Effervescent Citrus Bath Pebbles


For a moment of citrus-scented effervescence, here's a recipe that's sure to please the whole family!


Phase 1:

  • 20 g cornstarch
  • 120 g Sodium Bicarbonate
  • 60 g Citric Acid
  • 8 g organic Jojoba Oil

Phase 2:

  • 0.5 g Petitgrain bigaradier essential oil (organic)
  • 0.25 g Orange essential oil (organic)
  • 0.12 g Grapefruit essential oil (organic)

Phase 3:

  • Mineral water or hydrolat


  1. Phase 1:

    • In the stainless steel bowl, weigh out phase 1 and mix with a spatula or whisk.
  2. Phase 2:

    • In a weighing pan, premix phase 2 then add to phase 1.
  3. Moistening:

    • After pouring the water or hydrosol into a spray bottle, apply 15 sprays to the mixture, waiting between each spray to avoid a foaming reaction.
  4. Moulding:

    • When the resulting texture resembles wet sand, fill the ice cube molds and let stand for 48 hours before unmolding.


  • Texture: Solid, white
  • Odor: Citrus

Directions for use

Dip the pebble in the bath and enjoy its effervescent effect.

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